Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fending Off the Cat

It's not that I'm totally proud of this, but I had to put a Restraining Order on my cat. He can't get within 100 feet of me now. . . or else.

All things considered, it's fair.


Rachel Poulsen said...

Hey I just finished watching you on FOX 13 this morning! You did great! It was good to see you!

Jamie said...

Haha!! Okay I was really LOL, if you know what I mean.

You were on Fox? What, with AdBowl? Dang, I missed it.

Clay Brown said...

Woman, had you been a REAL friend, I wouldn't have HAD to do the Cat Restraining Order thing or tell you that FOX 13 News after the Super Bowl is Where It's At...or where I'm at, kinda, sometimes. No biggie, tho.

Linda Liebhardt said...

So, what WERE you doing on Fox 13 news? I don't watch TV anymore. Don't even miss it, either.