Monday, August 18, 2008

What We Got?

Why is it that nearly every advertiser thinks a British accent is more intelligent sounding that an American one?

England has that British accent. Scotland has that Sean Connery thing going. Spain gives us Antonio Banderas.

We got nothin.


Anonymous said...

Except for James Earl Jones, Morgan Freedman, Franklin Roosevelt, John, Bobby or Ted Kennedy, Orson Wells, William ?F Buckley, Paul Harvey, Sam Ervin, Ronald Reagan, Garner Ted Armstrong, etc. If you want to make the list a bit more down home you could throw in Larry the Cable Guy.

Unstoppable Lindsey said...

The American Voice will always be Ronald McDonald or Jared Fogle--the Subway guy. You have your choice of fat versus non-fat.

Clay Brown said...

See, that's my point--we fizzle fast.

Linda Liebhardt said...

and don't forget John Wayne. VERY american. What's more american than cowboy talk?

Clay Brown said...

Horses talking to cowboys. . . I guess.