Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just for a Day

Just for a day, instead of saying, "Okay?" or "Do you agree?" say, "Ya dig?"

But when you say it, say it with confidence, like "Yeah, they're gonna dig" and then let me know, ya dig?


The Clark said...

i always say that. only instead of "ya dig" i just say "dig?"

what does this say about me? is there something wrong with using dig???

Rhoda said...

Over here in ghetto land I'm afraid of using slang--you know just in case...ya dig?

Clay Brown said...

You win!! You should get a prize, ya dig?

Clay Brown said...

PS - Hey, Merriest, I think you're right in that you could just say "dig" but I'd always have "ya" in my back pocket just in case. (Or side, depending.)