Friday, October 31, 2008

Your Heart

I'm interested in talking to those who voted "Your heart" on the "Which is harder to open" poll.


Kelly Jean said...

When can you pencil me in?? :)

Rhoda said...

What do you want to know?

Clay Brown said...

Kelly - Pencil or Pen?
Queen - Really?

vallarsen49 said...

Well, I've found that generally, when it comes to being open we have a lot of instinctive "natural man" tendencies that keep us from truly giving our hearts to other people. Most of them are defensive- when you really open your heart, you just have to expect that there's a greater likelihood that any hurt/rejection received is going to be ten times (if not way more) more painful. Which thus requires a lot more trust, hope, and faith- all things that we can't gain on our own. So if the only way to truly open my heart is to get God's help by specifically asking for it (as opposed to everything else He gives me without my asking specifically) then I figure it must have a tendency to get pretty hard to open. That's why you gotta be opening it a lot, then the hinges don't get too rusty, and you rely more on the atonement to make up for all the pain that comes from rejection, persecution etc.

questions?...I'm open ;)