Monday, July 7, 2008

Friend or Foe?

Ever have those people where you don’t want them to be your enemy but you don’t have enough energy to make them a close friend? What do you do with them? What’s your secret? (Anonymous comments gladly accepted.)

PS – I’m not saying that I have, and OBVIOUSly you’re not one even if I DID have, which I don’t. I’m just saying. . .


Jamie said...

good post. yes, what do you do?

Clay Brown said...

Yeah, good question, J. Anybody?

vallarsen49 said...

I generally don't really do anything. I just let them be until I have an opportunity to engage in a good conversation. Then if it's appropriate I bring up the "half friend" thing to break the ice. 90% of the time they agree that we haven't had ample opportunity to become friends and we go from there. The other 10% are really awkward about it and then you have to carry the conversation with a series of questions about there life that they answer with "yup", "sure" and "I guess". That's the 10% who don't have the energy to be friends with YOU.