Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Friend's Mouth

I was talking with a friend about odd jobs we’ve had over the years, and he was shocked that I had a ton and had done so many things.

So he said, “Is there anything you HAVEN’T done?” And he kept saying that over and over to where it totally annoyed me, so I said, “Yeah, I haven’t punched you in the mouth yet.”

I don’t think he liked that, but it was true. I hadn’t.


Kelly Jean said...

I've raised you well. Now you can start a tooth collection.

Linda Liebhardt said...

Have you ever been a guinea pig for medical testing? Just keep that one handy and you can blurt it out quickly if ever asked again. It might keep you from punching someone. So how many jobs HAVE you had?

Clay Brown said...

Jobs? A LOT, from T-town gas station attendant helping Mexicans get to Little Rock to Drug Runner along the southern part of the state. Yeah, they were LEGAL. What? It was actually a cush job and fun to talk to folks in charming places like Magnolia.