Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blondes Having Fun

So the THING with the Blondes, Brunettes Poll was this: I'm not surprised with the results, but more important, I don't think ANYbody should feel insecure (on a regular basis) about anything. For example, if they want to dye their hair, they should do it with confidence and flair and fun. And they should feel great about it.

After years of living behind my neighbor Bruce, something looked funny about his hair (I don't pay much attention to things like that, I guess). My wife said, "Yeah, he's wearing a toupee. Has been ALL the years we've known him."

"What do you think about that?" I asked.
She said, "If it makes him feel better about himself, then I think that's great."

And her simple approach made me adopt that same outlook about others who do a lot of things I may not.

So while Fake Blondes (no disrespect) was the overwhelming Poll winner, I hope those former non-blondes who dyed it blonde would feel great about themselves no matter the original color. Shouldn't we all?

PostScript - One day Bruce threw the hairpiece away and walked around bald and shiney, and he looked dignified and comfortable with himself. About two years later, he suddenly died, which shocked me. It made me hope everyone could do whatever they need to do so they feel comfortable and confident in their skin (and bones and body and everything). Life's too short, don't you think?

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