Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Woman Bike Cabber

One summer night I was at New York's Times Square waiting for a light to change when a woman, pedaling a bike cab, stopped and hollered, "Hey, wanna ride?"

"How much?" I shouted.
"Oh about 5 or 6 bucks."
"Maybe, just a minute," I said as I called my friend I was meeting. (I thought it'd be cool to ride by him and wave, you know, just for a laugh.) I just talked to him minutes before, but when I tried to call several times again, I kept getting a busy on his cell number.

Suddenly, the bike cab lady yelled out, "Hey, are you single!?"

SINGLE? Wow, she's like 25 and I'm PROBably her dad's age. So WHY would she ask if I'm single when I'm, you know, so old? Of course, this IS New York and Steve Martin WAS flattered in "Father of the Bride" when those young women pulled up next to him--but NO, it's NOT RIGHT. I don't care if she IS hitting on me.

So I quickly pointed to my wedding ring and out in the MIDDLE of Times Square, yelled, "NO, I'M MARRIED! I'm MARRIED!!"

She looked rejected (figures) or puzzled or something, but I ignored eye contact and kept on trying to call my friend, to no avail.

And then suddenly, AGAIN she hollered at me, "HEY, HEY. YOU thought I said, Are you SINGLE? I SAID, WHAT? Can't get a SIGNAL!?"

Reality hit me. StuPIDITY hit me. And totally embarrassed, I quickly said, "Oh, yeah. Okay, sure," as I rushed across the street to get lost in the crowd. SOOO stupid.


Anonymous said...

Having these stories published on the blog make me happy. They don't compare with the in-person version, but it's a second best!

Kelly Jean said...

Classic. Love that one. You coulda/woulda/shoulda responded with your "I couldn't hear you" line.