Monday, April 7, 2008

I Froze

Someone asked today if I was a Ginger fan or a Mary Anne, and I froze. I didn't know what to say. I dashed back to the time when I was 11 or something and then blurted, "GINGER!"
But then he said, "Oh, I was a Mary Anne fan."

I felt shallow. What DO you say in times like that??


Wichita Girl said...

And don't forget the ever-popular "whatnot."

Wichita Girl said...

Of course you'd say, "Ginger had the best clothes."

Clay Brown said...

Ginger rocked. Of course, I WAS 12. Plus no one at my school had eyelashes as long.

Natalie said...

Ginger? Mary Anne? Who are these people?

Don't worry, google clarified. And wikipedia stated, "By most accounts, the wholesome, low-maintenance Mary Ann has consistently outpolled the glamorous but demanding Ginger since the very beginning."

Guess you're in the minority, bub.

Clay Brown said...

Good. Less competition.

Andrea Nalene Rasmussen said...

why does no one ever throw in the old RICH married lady as a woman of interest? what about her?

Anonymous said...

I think the answer is in your question--Give me an "O" Give me an "L" . . .
Of course, she did have nice eyes, blue, like the water that trapped them and cut them off forever from their life of luxury!