Sunday, April 20, 2008

Staying Happy

Zig Ziglar said something like, 90% of divorces would be eliminated if we delivered in the marriage what we sold in the courtship.

I believe him. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

On the flip side, I think 90% of marriages would never happen if we sold our post-nuptial persona while courting.

I like the old adage, "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages."

If a marriage lacks a foundation built on friendship, and the ability lift one another up and work together, then it will either be a short or a miserable marriage.

Advice given to me from a man who has been married over 50 years...
Whenever you're wrong admit it.
Whenever you're right shut up.

Anonymous said...

If you believe it, I believe it. Love you, Daddy.
- Blair

vallarsen49 said...

I think this is a good plan. Deliver what you promise. Be trustworthy, fulfill your prophecy. It's a godlike trait really. :) I think the trick here is to not "sell" anything- BE something consistently and the person who needs your BE- ness will find you. Then you can go on BEing together....make sense?