Saturday, January 5, 2008

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

I try to be a good "partner" in my relationship, you know, a good husband, good support. And I THINK I've grown over the years, and the moment I knew I was gaining ground was when my wife called me to stop by the store to get things before I came home. Hey, trust. Yeah, a good thing.

"Sure, honey. Milk? Two loaves of bread? Anything else? I'll get it and be right home."

Life was grand. I was in the good seat, the sweetie pie, the honey bun. I was there for ya/her (key concept). And all that went well call after call, year after year until that One Day when that One Call came.

"You want what? Say again? T-T-Tampons?? Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let me pull over. Gotta write this down. OK, now WHAT? Are you sure? Which ones are they? What's it say on the box? What's it say EXACTLY on the front? What color? Why do I ask? Because I can't LINGER. Honey, I'm a GUY. Yeah, everybody will be LOOKING. Even the store cameras! Hey, do we need it right now? Can't we get it, you know, LATEr? OK, you want me to WALK down THAT aisle -- Yes, I LOVE you (paid the mortgage, didn't I?). Well, what ELSE can I buy with it? ANYthing. Not a candy bar. Something, you know, legit! No, I'm not raising my voi--"

28 years of marriage and still . . . n-n-not easy.


Anonymous said...

hahaha. what you should do is tear the front part of the box off and keep it in your console. whenever she needs them, you can refer back to it and make it a breeze. :)and trust me, these things are very important.

Anonymous said...

Such a sacrifice to ask! I mean she only has to deal with the issue every month--oh except for the 63 months she got a break from it baring your 7 children! :-)

Clay Brown said...

Hey, LJ, first of all, they're OUR children not just mi--nevermind. Second, two of said seven were one month early, so your math is waaay--nevermind. And, C, have you EVER had to Walk down THAT AIsle--nevermind.

PS - It's bearing children, even though they are bare when born. I was there when the bearing of bare babes was born.

Natalie said...

This one cracked me up because you described this situation so accurately!! Perfectly captured it. When directing my husband on the phone about which specific box...yeah, I always scoff/chuckle at how ridiculous the reaction is. MEN! It's JUST a BOX. We buy you your personal items without embarrassment or complaint (probably more often)...C'MON. Work with us here.

And yes, 7 years of marriage and still...n-n-not easy. :)