Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dad's Wisdom

Dad used to say, "Read all the books you can because you won't live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself."

I like Dad. But, man, he could be demanding with all that reading books thing.

What words of wisdom from your Dad or Mom (or grandparent or cousin) stand out?


Kelly Jean said...

Hmmmmmmm......How about, things will work out, they always do. Or, think two steps ahead. Or, give people the benefit of the doubt (there are two sides to every story). Or, cut twice, measure once. Or, first things first. I could go on. Best parents in the world! I love them :)

Clay Brown said...

Um, yeah, that's Measure twice...but if you're IN a hurry and, you know, got lots of cuttin' to do, sure.

Kelly Jean said...

man. just CUT it. measure LATER.