Saturday, February 16, 2008

Head Discovery

So I'm in this meeting where five of us are interviewing this guy for a job, and things are going well, and the guy's bald and very likable, but apparently we're asking tough questions because the guy starts to sweat.

And I noticed the sweat was coming from his bald head where, you know, the baldness is, but nothing was sweating from the typical sweat places around the forehead. It was just all up there.

And then more and more beads were forming like a Chia pet, and while I felt sorry for the guy, I couldn't stop staring. And I kinda forgot the questions I needed to ask. Then I thought he was going to see me, but my eyes were glued and more beads popped up and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. And I thought this is SO COOL 'cause I've never noticed that before.

Then I wondered if that's where HS (head sweat) really forms for all of us but most don't see it 'cause, you know, it's hidden.

Anyway, it was fascinating. And we didn't make the guy an offer. But the sweat was cool. You ever had something like that?


Anonymous said...

WHY oh WHY are you "hating" on us bald guys???? What did we ever do to you full-headed types?

Clay Brown said...

My Friend, there is no hate, only AWE and a newfound respect. Who knew?