Tuesday, May 13, 2008

5 Secrets of the Drive

Driving the freeway daily has taught me a few things on how to get there sooner. 1. I turn on my lights (no flashing, just on). 2. I get in the fast lane. 3. I sit up straight. 4. I wear sunglasses. 5. I listen to good music loudly, you know, to get in the mood.

Doing those 5 things today was magic. SEVEN cars moved over so I could drive past. Of course, one car (BMW) pulled in front of me (scroll up & click on Things That Bug, read the BeemerTude entry and you’ll see how predictable that was). But getting 7 cars to move over is cool.

What are your freeway secrets?


Sami said...

I'm a frequent reader/voter. I totally love the randomness of your posts. They are true too and that's what's awesome.

My freeway secret? The carpool lane. Strap a car seat in the back and you are good to go, baby! With a baby, of course...

Clay Brown said...

Great idea. Makes me think that perhaps we should rent babies on the on-ramp and collect them on the off-ramps. Riders get to carpool. Babies get a change of scenery. Parent gets a break and some money. Everybody wins. Like Randy Jackson would say, "Dude, check it out, check it out. DAWG."

Anonymous said...

I drive an older, larger vehicle with just enough rust on it. When I can, I pull a ratty looking trailer with a precarious load strapped to it. I also try to leave a blinker on (usually the left one but sometimes I change it up) I find it helps if I swerve back and forth a little bit in the lane. It also helps to wear a hat (not a ball cap)and hunch over the steering wheel a bit. Usually after a mile or so I find I have a wide empty space around me regardless of the lane I'm in or if it's rush hour or off-peak.

Clay Brown said...

OK, forget what I said. Tried it on Day Two and nothing -- not ONE car moved over.

I'm crankin' my music louder.

Anonymous said...

My way still works. Been doing it for years.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the East Coast and only one thing really motivates the drivers in front of you to get the heck out the way.... and even then I get a lot of NY-accented road rage and people giving me the "salute".

I pull out the flashing light bar from my band gear box and stick it on top of the Scion. The flashing green sometimes gives it away though. Although the Irish contingency on the road ahead pulls over and cheers when I pass.