Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Carney's Hollywood Diner - Stay

So I'm at Carney's, a cool Hollywood diner, for lunch, and I order a hot dog with tons of sauerkraut ('cause, you know, why not?), and I feel like a total outsider because, well, it's my first time and others are waiting to order, and the man says, "Stay or to go?"
I say, "Stay."
He says, "Stay?"
"Stay!" thinking I needed to SHOUT it out and he starts to write "STAY" then stops, looks at me and says, "What's your NAME??" (With a tone like, "IDIOT, your name is STAY?? I SAID, what's your NAME?")

Man, I gotta turn that iPod down 'cause it's starting to affect me at lun--what?