Thursday, May 15, 2008

Crazy Words

I don't really get when people say stuff like "physicality." Can't they just say "physical" and it's the same thing?

Or "functionality," which geeks use ALL the time. Show me a place where the word "function" won't work as well as "functionality."

The point is 1. Some people just like to SOUND, you know, bigger; and 2. I don't think most people have that much spare TIME to hear all those extra syllables. Right?


vallarsen49 said...

If it makes them feel better, we can make time. Some people need that.

Kelly Jean said...

No, I'm with ya. Take out the excess syllable(s)... Time is money. Plus, sometimes people trying to sound smart look even more foolish than they did before. Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right..right......

Anonymous said...

how about "irregardless?"