Sunday, December 16, 2007

Actors Who Bug

What is it with actors who think that, just because they can act, they have an opinion on something the rest of the world should pay attention to?

Just because they act well and make millions (no fault there), why do they think they have any reasonable authority to speak on issues relative to a local matter? And why do we provide an audience? WHY do we listen? Do THEY have training? Are THEY experts? They’re just ACTORS. Except for Julia Roberts. She can say anything she wants.


Kelly Jean said...

AND Tom Hanks...or Uncle Tom, as I like to call him. It's true though. Just because they're famous, doesn't mean they know everything or are always right.

Natalie said...

Ah, you kill me. It's true! I'm sucked in cause it's someone famous...but usually my opinion doesn't change because they spoke. Except Julia. She IS my fav and can say anything she wants and I believe her. Cause that's how I roll.