Sunday, December 23, 2007

See You First...Huh?

I never really understood the phrase, "Not if I see you first!" I mean, I get it. I just don't underSTAND what people are thinking when they say it.

The first time I heard it was in elementary school when I said goodbye to the bus driver.
"See you tomorrow!"
"Not if I see you FIRST!" he shouted.
Uh, YEAH. I will still SEE you, I thought. Like what? If YOU see me first, I won't be able to see YOU? Hey, bub. Hey, Bus Driver Bub. Works both ways, the SEEing thing.


Anonymous said...

it's a death threat, smart guy

Unknown said...

I don't know how he got a "death threat" out of that. I have always understood the saying to imply that the speaker would wish to avoid the person they are speaking to. If they see the other person first they will high-tail it out of there.