Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Love You More

So along with my feelings of disappointment by not thinking to say Merry Christmas or Have A Great Weekend before the other person (thoughtfully AND sincerely) says it first, I feel the same way about I Love You.

To counter, whenever my wife or children would say, "I LOVE you!" when I was going to work, I felt it was like a defeated afterthought to say, "I love YOU, too." Kinda like, "Oh yeah, good point, uh, I love YOU! Too." So I decided to TRUMP their Love quote by saying, "Love You MORE!" Yeah, that'll get 'em. How can you beat the MORE thing? It stunned them at first. Victory.

But then THEY retorted with the same, "Love YOU more!" you know, with the YOU emphasis. Dang.

So THEN it became a point (and I made up the rules) that the LAST one to say, "Love You MORE!" before I shut the door to go to work WINS. (Always love a winner, right? Even in love.)
So you'll often hear Love You MORE. Love YOU MORE. Love You MOST (hey, cheating). Love YOU Most whenever someone is leaving, ending a phone call, driving away.

All in all, there's a lot of love going around AND it's sincere. I think.
Besides being the last one to say it when I leave for work (they've even called me in the car to say Love YOU MORE and then hang up -- is that love or sheer trumpMANIA? The ONLY thing that has left me speechless was when my youngest daughter blurted, "Love YOU MORE Blackout Infinity Crossies Don't Count!"

Again, a lot of love.


Natalie said...

AWESOME! Love it. Love YOU. More... :)

Anonymous said...

I've always just gone with "love you mostest"... but I'm going to see if I can't work in "Love YOU MORE Blackout Infinity Crossies Don't Count!" next time. That's funny, TimSan!!

Steph H said...

Okay, but my favorite was you leaving for work and shouting "Love you more!" so we'd run down to open the door and shout it back to you in the garage-- and there you would be waiting behind the door so that as soon as we opened it you were already ready to counteract our love. It would elicit a scream from the unsuspecting child who only wanted to show their dad they loved them... In honor of that child, love you MORE!!

Anonymous said...

is it weird that my boyfriend of 6 months won't tell me he loves me? ;)

Clay Brown said...

At first glace on the boyfriend no say deal, either he hasn't arrived at that point (to verbalize), he never will or he shows his love in ways other than through words. My dad was the same. In fact, I don't remember my dad ever saying he loved me until I was in my mid-30s and only after me saying it to him a LOT of times (cash helped, too).

Try this cool Love Language Quiz. It show if your language to express love is more verbal, visual or tactile, which is key in any relationship. http://www.drlund.com/love.cfm